BSN/Accenture Legal Internship July 2020

BSN is once again delighted to be collaborating with leading professional services/consulting firm, Accenture, to offer an exciting opportunity for BSN student members to undertake a summer internship programme within its legal team.
We invite our members who are aspirational 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate and post graduate students, to apply for the BSN/Accenture Legal internship within the legal team at Accenture. The legal team is home to experienced legal counsel in the areas of IP/Technology, transactional, litigation, ethics & compliance and other practice areas.
The two week long internship will take place in two phases: 6 – 17 July and 20 – 31 July 2020. Participants must be available during both time periods. Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, this year’s programme will be delivered remotely.
Participants will be required to have access to broadband. Accenture intend to provide loan laptops, but participants should have personal ones that can be used in case required. Preference will be given to students who are currently without training contracts.
How to Apply:
Send the following by e-mail to using the subject “Application: Accenture Legal Internship 2020”
1. your latest CV
2. a short cover letter (300 words or less) articulating why you are interested and should recieve this internship opportunity
3. your completed Accenture application form. Please see guidance notes
We will notify you of the decision by w/c 8 June 2020. Successful candidates will be required to sign an Accenture non-disclosure agreement before the internship commences.
Application deadline: 5pm, 29 May 2020
Late applications will not be considered
What do previous BSN Accenture legal interns say about the internship?
“It was great to speak to lawyers and get their perspectives on their experience in the legal profession. I loved the sessions on Ventures and Acquisitions, and negotiation. A lot of contacts from Accenture and the people I interned with; we still talk now and it is great to see all our journeys going forward.”
“We participated in an exercise which helped us practice ‘executive presence’ – that is, emitting a sense of leadership, trustworthiness and competence – which helped me discover useful techniques that can be used to feel more comfortable in interview settings and at networking events.”
“[I was] able to receive excellent knowledge and expertise from professionals across many different sectors. The internship [was not] solely law-orientated, as there was much content on technology, business, diversity etc. [I attended] the internship with fellow, like-minded, motivated and driven interns, all on similar career paths/journeys.”
2019 participants