Working with the BSN gives you access to a cross-section of future and current legal professionals – from across the divesity spectrum. By making the BSN a strategic marketing partner, you can position your company, brand and message alongside one of the most authoritative voices on diversity and integration issues in the UK legal profession.
We current offer many unique and inspirational opportunities to get involved, including:
Publications: Such as the sought after and eagerly awaited annual Diversity League Table, which offers sponsorship and advertising opportunities
Events: A rolling programme of small and major events, conferences, workshops and our Annual Dinner, will provide you with significant branding and positioning opportunities for your company.
Recruitment: Working with us to support your recruitment drives – at all levels - will give you focus and targeted access to exactly the right type and calibre of candidates required to meet both your diversity and your business needs.
Current opportunities include:
The Diversity League Table: The UK Legal Profession's most respected authority on who's delivering in the industry, and who's not! [Autumn 2008]
BSN News (Monthly or quarter E-newsletter): A monthly member news bulletin which keeps members current and up-to-date on everything from news, events and member offers [Ongoing]
BSN Weekly Round Up: A round-up of the top 5 news items [Ongoing]
BSN Awards Dinner: A major event to celebrate the achievement of Black solicitors in the UK, as well as those who share the aims and objectives of the BSN [A/W 2008]
BSN Annual Lecture: A key annual event held in summer, which attracts leading speakers on the national and international landscape [Summer 2009]
Networking Events: A series of events that helps to ensure that our members meet, engage and exchange information, ideas and in many cases opportunities [Ongoing]
Workshops: A BSN series of workshops and seminars, designed to keep our members abreast of latest developments, ensuring they are on top of their game [Ongoing]
Diversity Law Show: The only Recruitment Event for the legal profession which focuses on ensuring that BME graduates and professionals get that all important chance to meet face-to-face with law firms, and training providers who are serious about their commitment to engaging with them [Winter 2009]
BSN Jobs Board: With 5500 members and rising, supported by E-bulletins and an SMS campaign, online recruitment via the BSN Jobs Board makes good business sense for those with a commitment to recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce [From Autumn Sept 08]
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